
Ambition is the Worst Enemy of Mankind

Ambition is actually an appetite to gain something with effort, passion, madness and sacrifice. It is so powerful motivating factor in the world that it has literally made everyone selfish, self-centered and power seeker. Ambition is the primary drive behind corruption, dissatisfaction, insecurity, and disregard of relationships. So can we say it is friendly to mankind?

One can easily infer that ambition is the worst enemy of mankind and is largely responsible for the current scenario of world which is on the edge of collapse. Every religion of this world teaches its followers to resist the temptations of wishes and desires for the well being of mankind. Unfortunately however, our pervasive over-ambitious attitudes are diverting us from the right path of balance, equality and patience and we’re drifting towards craziness, fundamentalism and hegemony.

Indeed ambition does seem to be mankind’s worst enemy when we look into our history. Starting from beginning, when Adam and Eve were living in heaven but their ambitious attitude to reach the forbidden tree while disregarding specific orders from God, proved how ambition can blind us to reality. It shows that being too ambitious is the chief factor that induces everyone to commit such acts which are against the principles of nature.

Dissatisfaction and anxiety are major diseases in developing countries and an aim to get more and more has made people depressed. No one seems to be satisfied with what he has and what he wants to achieve. Everyone is in a blind race to achieve that particular something, and then another desire fills his heart. So gaining more and more has become an endless process and no one is convinced that this world is not eternal and is going to end someday. This sense of dissatisfaction and insecurity is causing severe depression and unhappiness, so it is inferred that ambition is the worst enemy of mankind.

Corruption is rampant in both developed and developing countries and it is mainly due to sky touching goals and aspirations of mankind. Corruption exists at grass root level which clearly depicts that everyone is running after certain objective and targets and in the process ruins everything for others. No one is paying attention to the poor and deserving people. Everyone seems to be busy in gratifying his/her lust by getting more and more.

If we give a look at the global hazards they are also generated by an endless race of gaining everything. This never ending desire to gain power and superiority is producing majored conflicts and escorting nations to the edge of wars. If we give a look at the world war-I and world war-II, we know that there were specific motives and intents which propelled the whole world in blood game. Over ambitious nation always declare war on weak nations and they never think for a second that they are ruining them just to satisfy and protect their own self-esteem.

After world wars, two super powers United States and Russia emerged on the globe and world order became “Bipolar”. These two powers aimed to dump each other at the cost of anything, so they started aligning forming blocs to accumulate more power and fulfill their voracious appetite of obtaining the title of sole super power of the world. They used weak nations as their pawns, instigated various conflicts in countries aligned with their opponent’s bloc and did everything they could to feed their ambitions.

When we analyse all these events throughout history, we can see that at the core of all problems has always been ambitious attitudes of various kinds. Hence it is proved that ambition is the worst enemy of mankind. However, it is also true that when used positively, it is, no doubt, a symbol of human progress and prosperity.

Being ambitious is one thing, but being over ambitious so much so that one get’s blind to everything in his surrounding is the primary seed that gives birth to all the problems we face today. Excess of everything is bad. We should maintain a balance in every sphere of life and try to keep our world as peaceful as we can.

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