Secular India on the path of extremism!

Pakistan and India are two rival states in the South-Asian region who have fought four wars since their independence from British rule in 1947. Recently, relations between both countries have become aggressive once again since Modi came into power. In his recent visit to Bangladesh, Indian Primer Modi openly stated that India was involved in the so-called liberation movement of Bangladesh in 1971.

His government is consistently following Hindu extremist policies in the country. However, such extremist policies can hardly become successful in India which is a multi-ethnic country.

Therefore, a great opposition is emerging against Modi’s government.

Under Modi’s Hard-line policies, every minority in India is being victimized, especially Muslim community. The government has not only adapted an aggressive strategic posture towards domestic Muslim minority, but also towards its neighboring successive states.

Indian union minister Mukhtair Ahmed Naqvi stated in a program on social media that “If any individual thinks he will die without eating beef then they should go to Pakistan or Saudi Arabia.”

In addition to that, Naqvi said: “It is not about loss or profit. It is an issue of faith and belief. It is a sensitive matter for the Hindus.”

Recently, Aamir Khan, a renowned Indian actor, director, and producer while addressing audience at the Ramnath Goenka journalism awards stated that “Growing intolerance in the India worried him.”

In response to  Aamir’s comments, Shiv Sena’s Punjab unit announced a “Slap Aamir and Earn One lac” campaign which essentially proves the actor’s analysis of growing intolerance.

It is the minorities that suffer the most due to any clash between the powerful nuclear neighbors. It is in the best interest of both countries to solve all their outstanding issues through meaningful dialogue.  Extremism and intolerance can only bring chaos.


Kashif Manzoor:
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