Categories: Health

Harm of Snacking for Your Health and Losing Weight

Uncontrolled snacking is one of the most harmful habits. According to researches, the human body depends directly on what you eat.

If you stick to one schedule of the day (meaning that you go to sleep, wake up and eat at the same time every day), your body will get used to this rhythm and will function more properly than if you’d lead a chaotic lifestyle.

The problem is that modern life in the city doesn’t always allow you to stick to one schedule of the day. Due to the fact that we’re constantly busy, we’re always on the move and a number of other reasons, people tend to skip meals or constantly alter the time of food intake. And that’s why we see the need in snacking.

However, it’s important to point out that planned snacks in between breakfast, lunch and dinner aren’t harmful for the health. On the contrary, some people have to eat 5-6 times per day.

But it doesn’t mean that you must resort to any food at every opportunity you’re feeling a little peckish. In most cases, during such a snack, you don’t have the opportunity to eat something healthy, and so you tend to resort to sweet beverages, chips, sandwiches or pastry. And this kind of foods brings you short-term satiation and a huge number of calories.

That’s why you’d be better off skipping such snacks – both your health and body would benefit from such a decision. Late night snacks are especially harmful. The digestive tract at night must be at rest. Besides, you risk developing insomnia if you start snacking before bed.

We’ve recently discussed how you can improve the quality of your sleep and fight insomnia. Read more here.

However, you could still minimize the negative effect of snacking. To do that, bring healthy light snacks to work or college. For example, a perfect snack would be an apple, a glass of kefir or yogurt, whole-grain toasts or a handful of berries.

Polina Tikhonova:
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