East: Under Dark Shadows of West

“Since I could not find any compatibility with her I thought it’s best to smell the coffee early rather than wait till it becomes scalding cold and yes I divorced her, no regrets there. Just bracing my chance for somebody else now.”

This avowal was shared in the morning by someone who months back was radiating palpable amount of ecstatic vibes, and looked happy as a Houdini because he had tied the knot with the love of his life.  But now when he was openly telling everyone that his matrimonial vows were permanently broken, I failed to see any pain or even an inkling of regret on his face as this is rather an agonizing ordeal for many.

This made me realize how deep have we fallen in the sepulchral pool of darkness where emotions and sense of right and wrong are trapped in the cage of confusion, left to rot and afterwards be forgotten.  This was the moment which made me realize the fact that fewer souls are still intact and safe from the menace of broken family bonds.

With this divine apprehension I began my quest to find the root cause of the problem underhand. My first thought was to blame parents because it’s easy to blame the upbringing than admitting the existence of dark side and soul residing deep within. But then something else grabbed my attention.

Well it may sound cliché but you would definitely agree with me that yes it is the hideous effects of untethered use of media or more specifically internet. I have good reasons to blame them because they show you the western world as such an ideal setup that you fail to see the broken shards of glass, the oozing cold blood of the shattered dreams that relentlessly steeps from their eyes.

Their idea of ‘no strings attached’ relationships looks easy at first but the consequences of this easy way out are far more drastic than one can possibly comprehend. It is a tranquil for those who don’t want their “freedom chained and caged” but for how long, is the point that must be pondered on.

Additionally can this modern era ritual and westernized habits survive in Asia and particularly in Pakistan? No matter how fast we grow, no matter how much modernity we inject in our brains, deep down we can never be comfortable in talking about divorces in a way western world want us to. Hence when people around you let slip the word “divorce” as easy as they say hello, will you not think ill about that person’s character once?

The only reason in sharing this whole episode is to grab your attention so that you put on your brainy fedoras and start looking around you. Play your part at the very least to abhor such heinous acts. Be the white knights and fight against the dark clouds of the west that hover over our heads.

If we really are that desperate to adapt and adopt then there is no harm to tether to good parts of the west and let loose the ones which can cause extensive damage to our life continuum; the beauty of which lies in  being together and loving and respecting the wishes of the close kindred as much as possible.

Syeda Bushra Aftab Ahmad: The writer is a student of Mass Media at International Islamic University.
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