Categories: Health

Best Time to Drink Coffee Revealed

Due to the fact that coffee contains a large number of elements that affect the human body in a way that no other products affect the body, drinking coffee must correlate with a certain time of the day, according to experts.

British researchers have found that the best time to drink coffee is in the period between 9.30 am and 11.30 am.

According to one of the authors of the study, neuro biologist at the Maryland university, Steven Miller, caffeine, when penetrating the human body, interacts with the cortisol hormone. And this interaction is bad for the health, which is why it’s best to drink coffee at times when the level of cortisol in the body is low.

The cortisol hormone, which gives you a boost of energy, reaches very high levels in the body immediately after waking up. But within an hour it is lowered significantly, according to experts. And that’s the perfect time to have your coffee; that’s the time when drinking coffee will stimulate the body to produce cortisol and as a result you won’t develop addiction to caffeine.

During the study, researchers noticed the following peculiarity: those who drank coffee from 8 to 9 am (when the level of cortisol is high), they developed the caffeine addiction faster and required more coffee in larger quantities. Meanwhile, those who drank coffee when the cortisol levels were lowered, did not develop addiction to caffeine.

That’s why, according to researchers, you shouldn’t drink coffee immediately after waking up, thinking it will help you wake up. It’s best to wait a little and drink it later – it will give you a better waking-up effect and won’t affect your health negatively.

Besides the fact that the production of the cortisol hormone high in the morning, the same spike in cortisol was noticed at lunch time and in the period between 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm.

Polina Tikhonova:
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